Friday, July 31, 2009

Walmart Testimonies - Part 2

Chris: Meanwhile, I had gotten myself lost, so I decided to buy some propane in the camping section. When the employee asked if I needed help, I inquired about those bug zappers that look like tennis rackets. A middle-aged female employee named “Bo” went on a search to help me find it. We went to quite a few places, and I said, “That’s ok, I think I need to head out soon anyways.” She said she would check one last place just to satisfy her own curiosity, so I decided to follow her. It was then that we really began to talk and I asked her if she knew about Bethel church. She began to share that she used to pray for healing, and she saw her friend’s headache healed once! However, she believes that some people have sicknesses so that people can help others through it, and God can get glory from their good attitude and joy through it. I responded, “Yes, God can turn all things for the good of those who love Him, but what God has been speaking to me about is this: what brings Him the most glory?” I shared about the man blind from birth that the disciples had asked about, saying, “Why is this man blind? Was it his parents’ sin or his own sin?” Jesus responded in this way: “It was neither of their sins, but it was to display the glory of God.” Right when she said, “Yep,” thinking it was proving her point, I said, “So Jesus healed him.” Then I shared about the Greek word for salvation, “sozo,” and how this word that is used for salvation is the same word used when Jesus healed people – they were “healed” (aka “saved”). I told her that we are pressing through to believe that all could be healed who desire it, because it gives God the ultimate glory! As we were leaving, we asked if there was anything that she needed healing for, or any miracles that we could believe in faith for. She responded that her father, Al, had Alzheimer’s and that they needed to get him into a 24-hour care facility, but he was out of town so it would be hard. We then showed her our Treasure Hunt list, and “Alzheimer’s” was written on it! Her eyes got wide when she saw the list, and we had the chance to pray for his healing!

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